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APC Cork Flooring

APC Cork's, cork flooring uses the material extracted from the bark of the cork oak tree, which only grows in the forests of Mediterranean countries. The largest concentration of cork flooring plantations are found in Spain and Portugal. The bark, which becomes the cork flooring, was designed by Mother Nature to protect the tree during its average 500-year lifespan. Not only is the bark inherently fire resistant to temperature changes prevailing in those regions, to more than 38 species of insects, including the termite, and to the development of microbes. It is important to note that only the bark is peeled off to be used for cork flooring every decade. The tree itself is never felled. The bark is a vegetal tissue made by an agglomeration of dead cells filled with air and lined with alternating layers of cellulose and waxy substance called suberin.


APC Cork Flooring offers a huge selection of cork floating floors and cork tiles.


Our goal at APC Cork is to be a professional, eco-conscience supplier of cork floating floors and cork tiles to the public and educate them on the benefits of using it in their home. At the foundation of this goal is our dedication to quality craftsmanship and attention to every detail, ensuring a high level of customer satisfaction.

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